As the digital world continually expands, it opens up new pathways for
. Among the myriad of
online study tools
play an integral part in simplifying internet navigation and enhancing user experience. Our focus today is on an exceptional
chrome extension
that doubles as an educational tool and
aid - New Tong Wen Tang.
Users have come to regard this
chrome extension
as one of the
best study tools
foreign languages, specifically, the intricate world of Chinese language. As a language translator app, the main function of New Tong Wen Tang is to convert between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese, making it an invaluable tool for anyone looking to learn a new language.
The Beauty of New Tong Wen Tang: Salient Features
New Tong Wen Tang is more than just a chrome extension; it's a user-friendly educational resource that aids in learning a second language. Let's delve into its features that have earned it an aggregate rating of 4.44 out of 5.
Automatic Conversion: The extension effortlessly translates web pages between Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese. This function is especially beneficial for students and language enthusiasts learning Chinese.
Customized Settings: The extension allows users to configure their settings based on personal preferences, thus ensuring a seamless user experience.
Interactivity: This feature fosters a more active learning experience by allowing users to manually switch the language on a given web page.
User Reviews: A Testament to Quality
Feedback is the best yardstick for assessing the effectiveness of online study tools. Here's what users have to say about New Tong Wen Tang.
Clark Yu:
"很不错!!工作中有访问一些繁体网站,自动转换很方便。" - "Very good!! It's convenient to automatically convert when visiting some Traditional Chinese websites during work."
"方便" - "Convenient"
Brian Ling:
在按一下就變成「演演演算法」" - "Very useful, but I don't know why 'algorithm', every time I press it, it will become one more performance
Become a 'performance algorithm'
Press it again and it becomes a 'performance performance algorithm'"
Snow zyk:
"厉害了我的哥" - "Great, my brother"
Frank Zhang:
"太棒了,找了好久了,希望继续更新。" - "Great, I've been looking for a long time, hope to continue to update."
Arxing Lin:
"超好用" - "Super useful"
New Tong Wen Tang stands out as a remarkable language support tool among the top chrome extensions. Its high rating and positive reviews speak volumes about its effectiveness as a study aid and reference tool. Nevertheless, like any other software, it has its own share of flaws that need addressing. However, with continuous updates and improvements, it holds the potential to revolutionize online language learning.
10 Reviews For This Extension
Does exactly what I want. Perfect
Loads of functions were cut from the latest revamp. No font size conversion and wildcard URL conversion
Please explain why the new version needs 3 new permissions ?
Hasn't been updated in a while, so it now works only when you set it to auto-convert (which is fine for me, since I read only in traditional anyway). Still the best converter I've used, bar none. Most other converters I've tried either under-converts (e.g. keeping 聽 as 听) or over-converts (e.g. converting 只 to 隻), but New Tong Wen Tang must use some fancy extra code checks to compare words before/after so as not to do that, since it gets it right most of the time. (There's still some slip-ups, but it's rare, and doesn't drive me mad when I see it.) Overall, pretty happy with this, and I've used it almost daily for years now. I even turn off some simplified sites' built-in converters because New Tong Wen Tang just does it better. So, thanks for coding this, and I hope I'll be able to continue using it for years to come!
Auto doesn't work but manually clicking the button works
I find this very useful for my studying needs. Page conversion on button click doesn't work but conversation via context menu does.
Button Function: Detect and Convert automatically does not work on or please fix it thanks
Very Useful
Great for converting simplified characters to traditional. Tuan Ngoc Nguyen's instructions were helpful.
I really like your extensions. Five stars. But would you please consider adding keyboard shortcuts for conversion? I learn Chinese online using Duolingo and Clozemaster where the content of the page changes dynamically so it would be nice to just use keyboard shortcuts instead of the context menu.